How vegetarians can get enough protein without meat

How vegetarians can get enough protein without meat

One of my son’s Grade 8 friends recently became a vegetarian. He joins the approximately 4 per cent of youths in the U.S. (up from 2 per cent 10 years ago) who eat meatless.

As much as my boys respect his choice and recognize his passion for the environment that spurred the decision, neither of them truly understands it.

Although my sons eat plenty of vegetables, their most requested dinners include sausage, pork or ground beef. In fact, their favourite meal is grilled pork tenderloin with bacon corn relish. We call it “pig on pig.” We eat it with loads of green vegetables and rotate fish, chicken and quinoa on other nights. But I won’t lie: I make it a lot.

The boys asked how their friend could put on enough muscle, possess enough energy or be such a good athlete without meat.

I told them that meat can be very good for growing children and athletes, as its protein helps to build muscle, repair tissue, provide energy and balance mood — but it is by no means necessary. If he’s eating enough vegetarian sources of protein, iron and B vitamins, their friend will perform just as well. Read more….

How vegetarians can get enough protein without meat

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